We are Antut, a professional team with extensive experience and a deep vision of business, not only solving the problem, but finding opportunities
Consulting Partner
Master in Business Administration, ESADE– Spain and Universidad of Pacífico (UP). More than 25 years of experience in financial and forensic audit, due diligence, advisory comprising International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and USGAAP. He was also advisor on merger processes, review of compliance of SBS and SMV regulations and review of the money laundering prevention system. He worked for 23 years in transnational companies, 7 years as Accounting Consulting Director.
Over 20 years of experience as a professor of undergraduate and graduate courses in Universidad del Pacífico, Universidad Privada de Ciencias Aplicadas, ESAN and Universidad de Lima. Member of the Peruvian Institute for Tax Research and Development (IPIDET), International Fiscal Association (IFA) and author of several publications in Peru.
He is currently one of the three representatives of the Latin American Group of Financial Reporting Standard Issuers (GLENIF) before the Accounting Standards Advisory Forum (ASAF), the IASB's technical advisory body.
Antut Advisors S.A.C. - RUC 20603289600 | Designed and built by WSI - Dinámica Digital
Antut Advisors S.A.C. - RUC 20603289600
Designed and built by WSI - Dinámica Digital
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