We are Antut, a professional team with extensive experience and a deep vision of business, not only solving the problem, but finding opportunities
Audit and Consulting Partner
Master in Business Administration from the University of Quebec-Canada, specialization in Corporate Finance and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from the Universidad del Pacífico (UP), Certificate in IFRS from the ACCA of the United Kingdom, specialist in accounting-financial expertise, being a member of the Committee of Accounting Experts of the Association of Public Accountants of Lima.
More than 27 years of experience in financial and forensic audit, advisory comprising IFRS, due diligence, internal control evaluation and business advisory. Previously he worked for 22 years in BigFours, 7 years as Audit Director.
More than 15 years of experience as a professor of undergraduate and graduate courses at Universidad del Pacífico (UP), Universidad ESAN, Universidad de Lima and Universidad Privada de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC).
Author of various articles on accounting issues for Peruvian specialized magazines. Member of the CEO ́s team of Renaissance Executive Forums.
Antut Advisors S.A.C. - RUC 20603289600 | Designed and built by WSI - Dinámica Digital
Antut Advisors S.A.C. - RUC 20603289600
Designed and built by WSI - Dinámica Digital
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